Jan 16, 2013

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Decluttering in Harrisburg

Decluttering in Harrisburg without Distractions

Cleaning is such a chore! Have you ever intended on cleaning house, but ran across a copy of People Magazine and thought “I’ll just read this one article,” but the next thing you know it’s time for dinner? Our home is full of distractions from television, things to read, emails to check, kids to play with, and other interesting gee-gaws you might find while cleaning. But these distractions can completely sabotage your attempts at decluttering your Harrisburg home every time!

One way to stop this trend and get decluttering your Harrisburg house is to put a box or basket outside of the room you are cleaning. Everything that doesn’t go in that room just goes in the box. Don’t bother with putting it away and leaving the room. Every time you leave the room, you might not come back! Just put it outside the door and keep on track to finish what you started. Then, when you are done with that room, you can go through the box at your leisure. Go ahead and look at that magazine with the satisfaction of knowing you accomplished your goal instead of with the guilt of never getting anything done.

Distractions are the assassins of clean homes. Don’t let them sneak up on you! By putting a box for things you don’t need to look at outside of the room, you can stay on target for decluttering that house!

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