Jan 28, 2011

Posted by in Helping each other | 0 Comments

Ever wonder what your donation $ buys?

$100 = 10 trees planted

This morning in Australia the top story in the media is how we will be paying a levy through our Medicare system that will help to pay for the Qld andVic flood relief.

Many thousands have already donated to this cause to the tune of  over 176 million dollars. With this in mind I read an interesting article in Real Simple magazine that I thought I may share with you all, on what a $100 donation actually buys, whether it is for floods, animals, medical etc:

Animals: $100 = 10 cats microchipped www.rspca.org.au

Nature: $100 = 100 trees planted www.nature.org

Building houses: $100 = 1 toilet, 2 hard hats, 3 hammers  www.habitat.org

Children: $100 = 50 children’s books http://cbca.org.au/

Doctors: $100 = 3 first aid kits, 24 blankets, 10 surgical scissors www.doctorswithoutborders.org

Families in Africa: $100 = 10 mosquito nets www.nothingbutnets.net

There are 1,000′s more charities but doesn’t it put it in perspective when you can see how your $$ can be spent?

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