Posted by Kerri Rodley in eBooks, Goals | 4 Comments
The joy of publishing your eBook (part 1)
On this raining and horrendously humid Friday in Brisbane Australia, I have decided to stop procrastinating (like a good organiser) and get my eBooks out into the world. It is after all, one of my main goals for 2011 – so no time like the present!
It is one thing to have your eBooks happily sitting on your website waiting for the millions of visitors to download them, but I realise I have to take them on the publishing road if I want anyone to actually find them and read them.
As I am pretty much just flying by the seat of my pants I thought I would share some links with my readers as I go.
- Websites to upload your eBook:
Smash Words:,
Create Space (part of Amazon):, - To change your PDF back to a Word doc for Smash Words
- To make a 3D cover of your eBook (such as mine on above) for free: Many sites charge a fee to do this.
Feel free to add any great publishing links you know in the comments below to share. Stay tuned for Part 2 – no doubt I will still be at it on Sunday night…