Jul 18, 2011

Posted by in Organising Tips, Productivity | 0 Comments

Getting Organised the Harry Potter Way!

Wave your wand for an organised life!

With the last installment of the fabulous Harry Potter series of books now in cinemas, I thought it was quite timely to show you how author J.K. Rowling organises her book layouts – it is quite extraordinary!

By just using a simple chart in a notebook, she has plotted out the direction of her stories. Pictured below is the chart for chapters 13-24 of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  For a close up view of the chart visit: http://www.slashfilm.com/wp/wp-content/images/jkrowlingpage.jpg

The chart outlines each chapter, the month, the title, a synopsis of how that chapter relates to the over-arching plot of the book and then separate columns for each of the book’s six subplots.

No doubt Rowling likely used more organising tools in her story preparation, but isn’t it great to see how an author planned out her story before writing it.

So when you are next putting together your book, or even just your next important memo to the boss, follow JK’s example to map out where you are going. I know I will be!


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