Jan 12, 2011

Posted by in Be prepared, Organising Tips | 0 Comments

Preparing for the unexpected

Grab your most important possessions...

Today’s post is inspired by Unclutterer.com and is very fitting for us here in Queensland – how to be prepared for the unexpected.

Whether that be for floods, bush fires, car accidents, earthquake, personal injury, whatever, if you have all your paperwork ready to go, people will be able to help you much quicker and as we know, even a few seconds can make all the difference.  Make sure you have these essential items ready to go:

  • Medicare card
  • Private insurance information
  • Wear a medical alert bracelet if you have any allergies or severe medical conditions.
  • Have your doctor’s name and phone number stored in your phone or in your wallet.
  • Put your next of kin in your mobile phone under ICE – In Case of Emergency.
  • Have a file in your filing cabinet called “In case of emergency” and let your friends and family know about it. In this file, list the bills you pay every month and other important and relevant details someone else might need to know if you are incapacitated for a length of time
  • Have a portable expandable file holder that contains your passport, birth certificate, Will and any other important documents that you can just grab and run
  • Make sure you have a back up plan for any pets that may need looking after

Most importantly – act NOW! It is so much better to be over cautious and not need these items rather than being blase and regret it later.



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